Walk for Bully Awareness

walk for Bully Awareness

What: Walk For Bully Awareness
When: August 22, 2021 at 3:30 pm
Where: 212 Custom Cycle – 113, 127 Kingsview Rd SE, Airdrie
How Much: FREE 
Includes: Free t-shirt, food and entry into the 31st bike giveaway with 6 laps of the dog park.
Food: Free food
Entertainment: Calgary’s School of Rock (talented young musicians) cranking some Classics 

Why: We do this to bring awareness to bully prevention for children. It is an issue that affects most children yet they often feel very alone. We volunteer in our local communities, working with children, parents schools and related associations to make a difference. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, contact us.  

This event is usually for motorcycle enthusiasts but this year we wanted to also include those who do not ride. bring the family, participate in the walk, get a free t-shirt, free meal and a chance at some prizes including a chance to win a motorcycle.


What’s Next: Register Now so you are not disappointed. (Register ahead to help us plan quantities so we don’t run out)
Or if you are not interested in participating in the walk, make a donation for some food and still enjoy the music. The band will be starting at 5pm.

Annual Ride/walk For Bully Awareness History

Our first ride was in 2009 with four riders on a 10 day ride up and down the North American West Coast. 

In 2011, the format changed to focus on bringing awareness to more areas at one time. We joined forces with other independent riders, motor clubs as well as other child organizations which kicked off what we know now as our Annual Ride for Bully Awareness that takes place on the third weekend in August.

By 2012, we had rides operating not only in Alberta, Canada – but in Clovis, New Mexico, South New Jersey – and by 2013, in SEVEN other countries and 90 locations. Texas and Florida soon joined on a more permanent basis and as of 2017 we have Chapters and riders revving up in several states, countries, and locations for Bully Awareness – making it the largest international ride of its cause.

Previous ride posters and Pictures