Community Key

For $400.00 you receive 1 year web recognition and business card ad in 10 issues of the Community Key,  

Skeena, Volume 1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Peace, Volume 1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Cariboo, Volume 1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Kamloops, Volume1, Issue 1 – July 2019

The Community Key Kamloops Edition will be distributed throughout Kamloops and surrounding areas.

The purpose of this publication is to provide a ‘new’ informative and fun venue for local businesses to advertise in while raising proceeds to help support initiatives in the community.

We provide school programs, on-line reporting systems and community educational meetings while keeping the subject of Bullying in the spotlight through community education and events.

For more information on how to get involved feel free to contact us at

Kamloops, Volume 1, Issue 2 – August 2019

Bikers Against Bullying also known as 212 Crew Chapter 10 has been helping local organizations in the area to support the well being of the children of Kamloops. One of the programs they have been working with is the StarFish BackPack Program. It helps feed local school children by ensuring they have food for the weekend. If you want to ride for a good cause, come and meet the 212 Crew. We are always interested in meeting like-minded individuals, and we’re here to answer any questions you may have. A passion for helping kids is required. If you would like to know more, email

Kamloops, Volume 1, Issue 3 – September 2019 would like to thank all the riders that came out for the Annual Ride for Bully Awareness. Although this ride started in 2009, this was our first ride in the beautiful Kamloops area and we look forward to seeing everyone again next year. If you missed it and want to ride next year, mark your Calendar for August 29, 2020. This is an event for everyone not just “bikers” Keep your eye on the website for more event details.

This years ride began at Aberdeen Mall and ended at Cascades Casino and Match Eatery with some very beautiful scenery in between.

Kamloops, Volume 1, Issue 4 – October 2019

It takes a village to raise a child:
This African proverb recognized that parenting should be a shared responsibility of the village – which historically meant the parents, grandparents, extended family, uncles, aunts, cousins, friends and neighbours.

Today we are not alway close to these people. Geographical distance, family breakdown, multiple caring responsibilities, and the long-hours culture have all contributed to the lack of connectedness. As a result, isolation and loneliness are increasing concerns of our new society.

Without these important connections, our children are less likely to learn how to create their own healthy relationships. The possibility of bullying increases drastically when missing the ability to connect (both as bullies and victims). What’s even worse, is when that child is the subject of bullying they do not know how to handle the issue. They don’t realize the issue is not with them or have the ability to combat it. In some cases, it has fatal consequences.

We need to be ‘family’ to others in our community, giving and receiving mutual help and support. Allow people to join your ‘village’ and offer to join other ‘villages’; lend a hand whenever you can. No doubt our lives – and the lives of our children – will be richer for it.

Kamloops, Volume 1, Issue 5 – November 2019

Bullying Awareness Week – Nov 17-23, 2019

We encouraged everyone to learn more about bullying and its effects. The longer a child is bullied, the more likely they are to develop physical, emotional, and psychological scars that can last a lifetime. 

Untreated, bullies who get away with aggression and violence are at very high risk to engage in criminal activity as adults.

This is why it is so important for us all to work together to help bullies, the bullied and bystanders, as soon as possible after bullying begins. If you would like to help, contact

Vernon, Volume 1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Penticton, Volume 1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Burnaby, Volume1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Kelowna, Volume1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Vancouver Island, Volume1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Lower Mainland, Volume1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

Kootenay, Volume1, Issue 1

Coming Soon – Looking for sponsors and good people to launch in the area. If you would like to see this initiative in your location – Contact

The Community Key – is a business partnership and is published independently without affiliation as an information and sponsorship venue.